Getting your automobile serviced can be a nightmare if you land up at the wrong automotive repair shop. In case you have a high end car that demands extra care and quality spares and a high sense of precision then you need to trust EAC Poway only.
High end luxury cars demand world class treatment which is possible only at select automotive repair shops in San Diego. EAC Poway has a reputation of supporting its customers via its high quality repair and maintenance services that are rendered via highly efficient trained and experienced mechanics and technicians. We care for our customers and the cars they bring in to us.
The trust has been established because of years of unflinching quality services in terms of car repairs and maintenance services we have been able to deliver to our customers. This has been possible because of regular training and updating the skill set of our dedicated and professional mechanics and technicians.
EAC Poway is one automotive repair shop known for the most professional handling of imported and European cars. We have all the certifications required to service and maintain high end luxury European and imported cars. A thorough checkup followed by a complete personalized service is something our clients get from us.
It hardly matters whether you have an Audi, BMW, Jaguar, Lexus, Mercedes-Benz, Mini Cooper, Smart Car, Sprinter Van, and Volkswagen or for that matter any other vehicle, trucks and SUV, mechanics and technicians at EAC Poway will make sure that you walk out as a happy person once you enter in our premises with a problem. Attention to detail and a penchant to achieve the highest standard in precision and automotive repair makes our customers some back to us for their regular jobs that need to be carried out on cars from time to time.
At EAC Poway we adhere to the manufacturer’s checklist and schedule in terms of servicing and maintenance of cars that come to us. Mechanics and technicians at EAC Poway apart from carrying customized checks, repairs and maintenance activities on your car provide you with general services listed below with utmost precision and satisfaction.
- Oil and oil filter check and replacement
- Brake fluid check and top up
- Anti-Freeze coolant check and top up
- Windscreen wash check and top up
- Full brake check
- Power steering fluid check and top up
- Steering check
- Shock absorbers check.
- Suspension check
- Light check
- Windscreen wipers check
- Wheel alignment check
- Charging systems check
- Exhaust check
- Battery check
- Charging system check
- Tire tread and pressure check